HK MP5 SD-988206-US
B&T QD SMG/PDW 3 Lug Suppressor APC9, GHM9, HK MP5 SD-988206-US Original price was: $750.00.Current price is: $675.00.
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C-More Systems CMCS 12 gauge Standalone Original price was: $1,449.00.Current price is: $1,304.10.

Beretta PM12s 9mm Submachine Gun Pre-Sample

Original price was: $19,995.00.Current price is: $17,995.50.

SKU: PM12sPresample Category: Tag:

Beretta PM12s
Pre-Sample Submachine gun

This is considered to be the most controllable Submachine gun in the world. This is a presample machine gun that was imported between 1968 and 1986. This is considered a “keeper”. A Class III dealer can keep this machine gun after they give up their license.

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